Hi my name is Jackson and I'm a big boy! I turned two recently and had the best birthday ever! So I've only had two, but still it was great.

I went to the park and celebrated with my cousins. I even let them have some of my train cake that mummy made for me. It was yum!
I was so lucky that I had another cake - this one I had to share with all of my daycare friends. They even sang happy birthday to me and beep beep yay! I love birthdays. But they made me wear a pink bib which I didn't really like, but when there is cake involved I will wear anything!

I was so spoilt for my birthday......but hey I am worth it! I got my very own car - a blue one with lights and a steering wheel. So cool. But it does scare me a little if I accidently put my foot on the pedal and it moves. Much better if I just sit in it and move the steering wheel. When I am not in it, I let Big Ted go for a drive. He is a really good driver!

I also got the best train table ever!! It even lets me put my Thomas trains on it. I love Thomas! But I love Percy even more. Percy is green, just like my birthday cake!
I am such a lucky boy! Birthdays are so much fun!
I even went to Sydney to see my friends. We all turned two so we had a party together in the park. There were lots of treats to make us all run around on sugar highs. I like cake! Yum!
It was such a great birthday. I hope my next one will be even better.
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